Our Taniwha

Art is always a favourite time here in Aotahi, and over the last few weeks, we have been making our own Taniwha. The tamariki have been so engaged in the process while using their cutting, gluing and painting skills! The children even told the story of their own Taniwha and what it protects. Make sure to come in and have a look at their displays around the studio.

Aotahi Week 3 – Probability

During maths, we have been learning about probability. Linking with our Matariki celebration we watched Maui and the sun and talked about what Maui ‘WILL, MIGHT and WON’T’ see on the journey. Here is what the Aotahi children shared. We will continue to learn about this during maths over the term as well as our number focus.


Celebrating Matariki

Last Friday we celebrated Matariki in our studio.

We listened to stories and did our Matariki star art to go with our studio bird, the Ruru, art work. We had ‘100 vege’ soup and it was YUM! Happy Matariki everyone!

Rainbow Spot What?

We have been reading Nanny Mihi and the Rainbow by Melanie Drewery for our shared book lessons.

We made our own rainbow by collecting all the whero, karaka, kōwhai, kākāriki, kikorangi, and tawa things in our classroom and just look at our amazing rainbow!

Can you spot …

  • a karaka pooh bear puppet
  • 3 kākāriki reptiles
  • a whero ball
  • a kikorangi ‘E’
  • a kōwhai corn cob
  • a tawa aubergine

What else can you challenge us to spot? Leave us a comment.



Mindfulness week 7

We are very lucky at Rāwhiti to have our own mindfulness teacher who comes to our studio almost every fortnight. Erica is from – Mindfulness in Schools Ōtautahi. Erica visited us last week and introduced us to ‘belly boat breathing’. We used paper boats and put them on our bellies to watch them rise and fall with our breath. Here are some photos from our session last week.